X-RIS’s number one priority is to develop portable and stationary digital radiology solutions that are very user-friendly and intuitive for industrial, laboratory and security applications without skimping at any time on the image quality.

The company is located at Liège in Wallonia (Belgium), an aera that benefits from a worldwide reputation for its competences in industrial x-ray.
X-RIS was founded in 2010 and since then has developed its own range of X-ray generators, detectors and its software platform: Maestro. X-RIS also designs and manufactures its own mechanical and electro-mechanical solutions for Dxbox cabinets or for special solutions.
Company philosophy is to provide user-friendly and efficient solutions that fit at best the application needs. To achieve these goals, X-RIS relies on the complementary competences of its young, dynamic and highly skilled team.
The company counts today 23 collaborators and is particularly technologically-oriented: more than the two thirds of the team are graduated engineers. We also collaborate with several universities and R&D centers in Belgium and abroad.
X-RIS principally works with the Security and NDT department and collaborated with FBI, Safran, Airbus, Pratt & Withney, Dassault, Total, and more.