From satellite images to actionable insights
GIM helps public and private customers understanding and better managing our changing environment. GIM is able to build on over 20 years’ experience in integrated solutions for processing and analyzing countless types of satellite, aerial, mobile mapping and drone images, from optical to radar. We deliver solutions across the environmental, urban, renewable energy and infrastructure sectors specializing in high and very high resolution imagery, automated feature extraction, customized land use & land cover mapping and change detection using Artificial Intelligence technologies.

GIM is at the forefront of developments in image processing with a particular focus on advanced processing chain automation using emerging Deep Learning technologies. Time series of images are analyzed in near real time to derive geoinformation supporting the business and decision making of our clients. Not only maps are produced but also complex geostatistical and spatial analyses are applied to deliver specific information that can be directly integrated in the business processes of our clients. GIM delivers information services in application areas such urban planning, energy, environment and natural resources management, infrastructure development and follow-up of Sustainable Development Goals. GIM is serving large international infrastructure & utility network operators and multi-lateral organizations, has a long track record in working with ESA and public authorities and has the ability to process large volumes of very high resolution imagery as for instance for the prestigious Gates Foundation in the context of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
Using Deep Learning techniques applied on EO imagery, GIM builds Belmap, a Geo Digital Twin of the Benelux containing 3D Building models and information on solar panels, roof windows, roof material, detailed land cover, building age, ...
GIM is an official distributor of imagery from most of the high resolution sensor operators like Airbus, Maxar, HEAD, Planet, etc. GIM also offers a wide range of topographical data such as DEMs.
Rue Camille Hubert, 13C
5032 Gembloux