GeonX S.A. started up its activities in 2012 with headquarters in Belgium and became a GE Additive company in 2017. Our customers make a daily use of our flagship Virfac® modelling software to accurately simulate various manufacturing processes such as Additive Manufacturing, Machining, Heat Treatment and Welding.

GEONX S.A. develops robust and powerful software packages to support manufacturing engineers in their daily design duties. From the design office to the factory, VIRFAC® powered by MORFEO, provides an accurate, powerful and industrial platform of virtual manufacturing. Making of virtual manufacturing a reality is the mission of GEONX. Simulation today is an essential component of the design cycle, increasing a company’s profits by significantly reducing time to market. Modelling the manufacturing processes allows designers to reduce tedious manual tuning, the waste of material and to optimize the resulting manufactured part in terms of mechanical properties, residual stresses and final deformations. After 10 years of development by engineers from the Research Centre Cenaero, specialized in advanced computational methods, GEONX is integrating this approach in today’s product development environment by marketing its new generation manufacturing software VIRFAC® (VIRtual FACtory), powered by MORFEO (Manufacturing ORiented Finite Element tOol). This innovative software is the new reference in unified simulation for applications ranging from transformation and assembly processes to in-service structural response. MORFEO is built with the most modern object-oriented programming technologies and has been particularly designed to handle large and complex mechanical components for realistic industrial environments.
GEONX S.A. revolutionized in 2017 the modelling of additive manufacturing with the release of its new product Virfac iAM® optimized for high performance GPU computing.
Avenue Georges Lemaitre 54
6041 Gosselies